Skip to content Accounting Reporting Capabilities are Industry Leading – Here’s Why

Flexi prides itself on being an industry leader. With 25 years of experience, Flexi is your accounting software partner from implementation to go-live, providing continuous, high-quality support.

Flexi offers cloud-based software for financial reporting and consolidation. Whether it is consolidated financial statements or graphical dashboards, Flexi’s management tools enable your organization to make informed decisions, elevating your business to the next level.

Flexi solutions are installed at over 800 locations worldwide, with a long and successful track record with businesses in all industries, even the most complex accounting environments. Flexi has helped businesses in the industries of financial services, banking and credit unions, insurance, healthcare, travel and hospitality, retail and wholesale, logistics, and more.

Industry leading software

Flexi software has certainly been implemented in a variety of industries, but there must be a reason. What makes Flexi’s accounting reporting capabilities so industry-leading?

For starters, the various products that Flexi produces help your business make better financial decisions with confidence. Just a small snapshot of the product offerings Flexi has include general ledger, consulting services, accounts payable, accounts receivable, purchasing, electronic invoicing, and business analysis—plus many more.

All of the data that is captured by your systems can be translated into meaningful, easy-to-understand information. The reporting tool derives data directly from your financial management system, providing confidence that your data is accurate and current.

Additionally, Flexi products help your team:

  • Gain Efficiency – Flexi solutions allow you to streamline the accounts payable process by reducing time-consuming, error-prone manual processes, and converting them into electronic “touch-it-once” automated events.
  • Empower Management with Information – Flexi solutions securely distribute reports to management, providing the specific data needed to effectively and efficiently run their departments.
  • Analyze Your Business – Flexi provides clean data to analyze, allowing your team to view business performance by business line, geography, and account.
  • Identify Trends – Flexi enables you to identify past trends that showed success and to recognize areas of improvement in your business.

The bottom line

Flexi is an industry leader for a reason. With expertise in all aspects of accounting and 25 years experience, the Flexi team can offer the best of the best. Even better, Flexi offers cloud-based web services that not only streamline processes, but also make data accessible 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

Learn more about Flexi’s accounting reporting capabilities and see how Flexi can partner with your business today.


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